TMJ Health Risks

The TMJs (temporomandibular joints) are the sliding, double-hinged joints that allow us to open and close our mouths. Located at the front of each ear, the TMJs help us to chew food and move the jaw in every direction. Medical professionals classify TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) by discomfort and limited motion in the TMJs. 

When the TMJs are not properly aligned, negative effects can be widespread throughout the body. However, the condition is treatable.

At Cosmetic Dentistry of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, our team has state-of-the-art tools, technology, and training to treat TMJ disorder and prevent TMJ health risks.

Here are four health hazards that may arise if TMJ disorders are left untreated:


Many patients with TMJ disorders experience bruxism (grinding and clenching the teeth and jaw). Excessive teeth grinding can lead to: 

  • Eroded enamel
  • Craze lines in enamel
  • Cracked teeth
  • Chipped teeth

Often, teeth grinding occurs during sleep, so patients often do not realize that it’s happening. 

However, when people sleep, the brain’s rational part does not regulate the jaw’s movements. During sleep, people can exert up to 10 times more force than they do during normal chewing. Nighttime teeth grinding causes dental damage over an extended period.

Chewing Problems

When TMJ pain becomes intense, chewing food can be uncomfortable. This leads to having to consume softer foods. Fresh veggies, fruit, and many proteins require significant chewing forces to effectively break down food for swallowing and digestion. Because of this, TMJ disorder can interfere with a nutritious diet. 

Chronic Pain

Feeling discomfort or difficulty while opening the mouth is a common sign of TMD. If you feel clicking, popping, or locking while closing your mouth or opening wide, TMD may be the cause.

Stress on the TMJs can cause chronic pain. Muscle tension creates this discomfort and can affect the way you breathe, eat, and talk. Some examples of TMD-associated pain include:

  • Facial discomfort (between the jaw and skull) 
  • Neck and shoulder tenderness
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Post-chewing soreness 

Ear Symptoms

The TMJs are next to the temporal bone, which includes the inner ear. Constant pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in this area causes worsening ear-related symptoms, which can include:

  • Earaches
  • Hearing the jaw pop and click
  • Vertigo and equilibrium issues
  • Plugged ears
  • Tinnitus (ear ringing)

Sleep Disturbances

Rest is essential to good health and productivity, but TMJ issues may trigger some sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea is highly prevalent in patients with temporomandibular disorders. TMD is also related to chronic fatigue syndrome, which can aggravate sleep apnea and overall health.


Untreated TMJ disorders are serious. You might need to go to the emergency room if:

  • Your jaw becomes permanently locked
  • The jaw dislocates when the condyle (ball) moves too far from the socket 

Treat TMJ Now in Albuquerque

Early intervention of TMJ disorders may prevent chronic pain and disability. Call (505) 847-8466 or message us online to discuss TMJ disorder treatment with Cosmetic Dentistry of New Mexico in Albuquerque.